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Saturday, November 20, 2010

A few recent pictures of the big boy

Here you can see he is very comfortable sitting in an "awkward" position. Bohdi has always sat like this and it has nothing to do with the surgery. He bends the knee well and seems to have full ROM, Range of motion.

Here he is sitting on his favorite chair...Mom AKA me. This is from the day I went into labor. I swear he knew it was going to happen. He was treating me very differently and was especially gentle.

This is the best shot I have taken recently of the leg. LOL. I will try and do better, but honestly, you can't even see the incision scar anymore. The hair is growing back slowly but surely.

Monday, November 15, 2010

12 weeks and beyond

the short and skinny of it.....we are past our recovery period of 12 weeks and doing great. i had the baby as well so that explains the lack of updates! i will post in more detail later. for now, here is a video..